‘Pokemon Go’ Alert: Get to Know Lapras, the Ultra Rare Pokemon That Caused a Man to Die

By Staff Writer staff@mstarsnews.com | Mar 08, 2017 12:48 AM EST

The "Pokemon Go" universe is silent today. A death among the experienced players has recently been confirmed. What caused the death? A Lapras, an extremely rare creature that numerous players are all looking forward to own in the future.

MIRROR confirmed that a 67-year-old man from Singapore has passed away after catching a Lapras. He is a retiree and has been playing "Pokemon Go" ever since it launched. In fact, this man is now at level 28, which confirms that he is an avid trainer.

The late "Pokemon Go" trainer's wife revealed that her husband would often go out to the Marina Bay Sands so he can catch creatures. The deceased has recorded over 200 different kinds of Pokemon on his app's system. The retiree died of a heart attack, seemingly out of excitement for having been able to capture a Lapras.

For starters, Lapras is a very rare Pokemon that doesn't just appear at any time of the day. Lapras is a water and ice creature that has been driven to extinction by man. This is why it is a rare creature in "Pokemon Go."

According to the Wiki page dedicated to Lapras, the creature has telepathic abilities and sings melodies to speak with other creatures of its kind. Lapras is a very interesting "Pokemon Go" creature. While it isn't always the strongest creature that aggressive players want, Lapras has special skills that will develop over time.

"Pokemon Go" is one of the most favored mobile games these days. It has faced backlash over safety issues last year but it has continued to gain popularity among the masses, young and old. Proof of this is the retiree who has had cardiac issues in the past, according to METRO.

While "Pokemon Go" may be safe for youth and younger adults, medical experts suggest that every player should stay safe and take precautions when hunting for creatures. Stay tuned for more news and updates.