‘The Flash’ Season 3 Revelations: God of Speed Savitar Is Future Barry Allen

By Tanya Diente | Mar 16, 2017 02:50 AM EDT

Several phrases from Savitar's interrogation scene in "The Flash" Season 3 Episode 9 gave hints to his real identity. The God of Speed may have subtly revealed that he is the future Barry Allen.

In "The Flash" Season 3 Episode 9, team Flash interrogated Savitar (using Julian) about his purpose on Earth 1. During his interrogation, he said a few phrases that may have already hinted to his real identity. When Barry asked who he is, the God of Speed simply replied, "I am the future, Flash."

Now, this phrase can easily be misinterpreted. Savitar could be saying that he is the future. According to Cosmic Book News, he could also be saying that he is the future Barry Allen.

Savitar's other statements add fuel to the theory that Savitar is the future Barry Allen. In the same interrogation scene in "The Flash" Season 3 Episode 9, the God of Speed told Barry that his existence depends on him. Savitar said that both of them cannot exist at the same time.

According to Inverse, the fact that Barry created Flashpoint and messed up with the timeline, give credence to this theory. There is a possibility that Savitar is the future Barry Allen, who was born when the latter created Flashpoint and tampered with natural law.

Another phrase fuels this theory. In the same interrogation scene in "The Flash" Season 3 Episode 9, the villain clearly referred to himself as the future Barry Allen when he told The Flash, "You trapped me in eternity, your future self."

Adding credence to this theory derived from Savitar's interrogation in "The Flash" Season 3 Episode 9 is the revelation in Episode 16. Viewers may remember that Jesse Quick stabbed the villain, which surprisingly affected him. H.R. Wells then realized that Savitar is not a God of Speed; otherwise, he would not have been hurt. The villain is also human, which leaves the possibility open that Savitar could indeed be the future Barry Allen.