‘Rainbow Six Siege’ Gets Revamped Matchmaking for Year 2; Xbox One Dropped from Pro League

By Staff Writer | Mar 29, 2017 10:12 AM EDT

Game Developer Ubisoft is working on a new matchmaking system for the Tom Clancy-inspired shooter "Rainbow Six Siege." Aiming to provide a better experience for players, "Technical Test Servers" will be up starting this month.

Likened to the "Public Test Realms" of Overwatch, the main goal of the test servers in "Rainbow Six Siege" is to see any game imbalances and game-affecting bugs before going on to the live servers. The first application of the servers is on the update in the matchmaking system for "Rainbow Six Siege," now called "One Step Matchmaking."

In the new system, players no longer have to create teams before matching up. Instead, the game itself will locate 10 online players and assign them into teams. Another neat feature is that players will not be stuck on the matchmaking screen while waiting. As PVP Line reported, "Rainbow Six Siege" players can still do other stuff like make purchases, change equipment, and all that, as the matchmaking will happen in a separate bubble.

West Europe will be the first region to have the "Technical Test Servers," with Ubisoft announcing that it would be available globally for "Rainbow Six Siege" plyers soon. Participants will have free access to all items and Operators, however, they could not be transferred upon going to the live account. Unfortunately, only PC owners of "Rainbow Six Siege" will have access to the test servers through the Uplay client.

This is not the only blow for Xbox One players of "Rainbow Six Siege," as VG247 reported that the "Rainbow Six Pro League II" will be a PC-exclusive event this year. The three-season eSports tournament will now focus its $100,000 grand prize for PC players, which was previously shared with console gamers. However, the Major Leagues are still open for both PC and Xbox One.

"Rainbow Six Siege" is also available for the PlayStation 4, aside from the PC and Xbox One.