‘The Flash’ Season 3 Brings Back A Dead Character To Help Barry Save Iris

By Tanya Diente | May 03, 2017 07:59 AM EDT

Barry Allen turns towards an unlikely ally in his quest to prevent Iris West's death in "The Flash" Season 3 Episode 22. In this episode titled "Infantino Street," the speedster turns to Captain Cold for help.

Consequences that lead to Leonard Snart aka Captain Cold's return in "The Flash" Season 3 Episode 21 remain unknown. However, his appearance involves Barry Allen's determination to save Iris from Savitar.

According to the synopsis for "The Flash" Season 3 Episode 22 from Flickering Myth, Barry only has one day left to find a way to prevent Savitar from killing Iris. Barry is running out of options and is desperate to save the woman he loves. He realizes that he only has one choice left and that is to turn to Captain Cold (Wentworth Miller) for help.

Exactly what Captain Cold can do to help Barry prevent Iris' death is unclear. However, it seems the speedster's efforts to defeat Savitar in Episode 21 are futile. According to the synopsis from Cartermatt, in this episode titled "Cause and Effect," Cisco helps insulate Barry from himself by trying to stop him from creating memories. The trailer seems to suggest that Barry lost his memories in the process. It is safe to say that this may be only temporary since he remembers Captain Cold in "The Flash" Season 3 Episode 21.

However, will Captain Cold remember Barry in "The Flash" Season 3 Episode 21? After all, in "Legends of Tomorrow" Season 2 Rory aka Heatwave brought him back as a changed man. To recap, in the finale Rory erased Snart's memories of his days as a criminal. Rory wants his partner to start a new life as a better person. It is likely that the Captain Cold whom Barry meets in "Infantino Street" is a different person, someone who does not remember him.