‘Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2’ Easter Eggs Tease Spoilers For Vol. 3.

By Tanya Diente | May 09, 2017 07:00 AM EDT

"Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2" has many Easter Eggs despite director James Gunn's admission that he deleted them. These hidden clues tease the characters that appear in the sequel or in Vol. 3.

The most obvious Easter Egg would be the appearance of the original Guardians in Vol. 3. Stakar (Sylvester Stallone) is one of the original guardians and he is Starhawk in the Marvel comics. The post-credit scene in "Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2" also saw Starhawk's sister Aleta (Michelle Yeoh) and Charlie-27 (Ving Rhames) appear. According to Time, Martinex (Michael Rosenbaum) and Mainframe (Miley Cyrus) will also be in the sequel.

The appearance of the original guardians in Vol. 3 marks their importance in Vol. 4. James Gunn hinted that they will be the new guardians since Drax, Rocket, Gamora, Groot and Star-Lord will have their stories end in Vol. 3. "I think that there could be a Guardians Vol. 4, but it would not be the same. It would not be the same group... basically the story of this group ends with Vol. 3," Gunn told the Toronto Sun.

Meanwhile, the other Easter Egg is from another post-credit scene in "Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2." It shows Ayesha staring at a pod and then she mentions the name, Adam. This scene cements James Gunn's confirmation that Adam Warlock will appear alongside the Guardians in Vol. 3. In the Marvel comics, Adam is a scientifically engineered human being who fights alongside the Guardians and the Avengers.

An important Easter Egg would be Stan Lee's cameo in "Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2." He appeared twice in the movie where is seen telling the Watchers a story. His scenes suggest that he plays a Watcher. This would make sense, considering that he has appeared in most of the Marvel films. It would not come as a surprise if he cameos again in Vol. 3.