4 Myths About Breast Augmentation That Need to Go Away

By Staff Reporter | Nov 30, 2020 10:40 PM EST
(Photo : 4 Myths About Breast Augmentation That Need to Disappear Forever)

Have you ever heard that breast implants are dangerous? Or that you have to replace them every few years?

The world of breast augmentation has more than its fair share of myths and misconceptions floating around. Some are half-truths. Others are complete non-truths.

The tragic part is that these myths may be stopping countless women from seriously considering the procedure for themselves. Getting a plastic surgeon to expertly enlarge and enhance your shape has never been easier (or safer) than it is right now.

In the interest of spreading real facts instead of concealed fiction, here are a few of the most common myths about breast augmentation.

1. They're Dangerous

It's hard to even know where to begin with this one. Simply put, breast implants and breast augmentation procedures are perfectly safe when done by an experienced and qualified professional.

The truth of the matter is that breast implants are extremely safe and getting safer. In fact, breast implant removal was down 17% between the years 2018 and 2019.

Of course, almost nothing in this world is completely risk-free. Be sure to have an open and frank conversation with your surgeon about all of the risks associated before you commit.

2. You Can't Breastfeed With Implants

Contrary to what you may have heard, millions of women have had successful breast augmentation surgery and have gone on to breastfed their kids with no issues at all.

If you plan on having children following your augmentation, this is another very important conversation to have with your surgeon. However, in most cases, neither the incision nor the actual implant itself should cause any issues with milk production or the feeding process.

3. They're Incredibly Expensive

How much does breast augmentation cost? Far less than you think.

This myth may come from the fact that we see movie stars and celebrities getting their breasts done all of the time. However, they are not the only ones who can afford it!

The truth of the matter is that breast augmentation is actually surprisingly affordable, and more attainable than you think. In fact, many clinics even offer financing options to make things even more affordable.

4. They Look Fake

This is probably the most common myth out there and the one that discourages too many women from getting a procedure. They have heard that "Breast implants look fake," or that "Everyone will be able to tell."

Is this the case with some procedures? Yes. Does it have to be that way? Absolutely not!

The surgeon you work with is incredibly important. They need a proven history of exceeding women's expectations. And they should be able to show you the best possible options for your unique body, frame and gait.

Be sure to ask them to see before-and-after pictures. They should be able to show you the great work that they've done with women that had similar builds and expectations.

These are only a handful of the myths out there. You may have heard others. Don't let them stand in your way! If you have a concern or a question that is currently keeping you from getting breast enhancement surgery, reach out to a qualified surgeon today to find out the real truth!