6 Things to Include in Your Travel Journal

By Staff Reporter | Dec 09, 2020 11:14 AM EST
(Photo : 6 Things to Include in Your Travel Journal)

According to Travel Agent Central, 95% of Americans are missing travel right now thanks to the COVID pandemic, and nine in 10 say that their travel memories are the fondest they have. But oftentimes, we figure about some of the little details that make those trips so special. 

When we get back on the road, getting a travel journal can make a difference in how many of those memories will fade away forever. By writing down your experiences when exploring places during your travels, you'll be able to look back and reflect on everything you did as what you learned and apply it to other areas of your life. It can be a collection of all your adventures, memories, and stories that can come along wherever you go. By writing things down as they happen, or soon later, you'll be able to remember a lot more details of each trip too.

Even if you've just purchased a home among the Albany houses for sale or are busy for any other reasons, it's worth taking the time to get one and use it. But what should you include once you do?

Your Itinerary

Before you go, rough out your itinerary at the front of the journal but leave space between each point so you can keep track of how it changes as you travel. After all, you'll want room to be impulsive occasionally. 

Daily Entries

If possible, try to write an entry at the end of every day. You could walk through the day hour by hour so you won't miss any details you may not remember in the future. Don't let thinking your entries have to be perfect stop you from keeping up the habit. Even just jotting down a few notes, no matter how small, will allow you to obtain the momentum. Perhaps keep a list of everything that made you happy that day. If you miss a few days, it's easy to end up forgetting about it altogether.

Travel Brochures and Postcards

All those kiosks at the hotels and visitor centers are filled with travel brochures that can be great to add to your journal. Pick up a few postcards while you're at it to brighten up the pages of your journal. 

Napkins, Coasters and Bottle Labels

Even napkins with the logos of pubs, restaurants, and bars can make for good mementoes. The same goes for all those cool coaster and bottle labels, just peel them off carefully, and you should end up with some great stickers.

Leftover Bills and Coins

If you have a small amount of money left from the country you visited and the time and cost to exchange it isn't worth doing so, you can come up with creative ways to stick them into your journal.

Menus and Photos of Meals

If you enjoy an especially unforgettable and/or unusual dish you have never tried before, be sure to capture a photo of it and then ask for a takeout menu you can include alongside it. Every time you go back through your travel journal later, it will bring back the details of all those wonderful flavors despite being thousands of miles back home.