5 Ways To Win A DUI Case Like A Famous Celebrity

By Staff Reporter | Mar 22, 2022 04:39 PM EDT
(Photo : Markus Spiske via Unsplash)

Celebrities who drive under the influence escape justice more often than the average person. If you read gossip sites, you'll be able to list a few examples. Judges don't let them off because they're rich and famous.

It's usually because they can afford really good lawyers with the ability to beat the system. In some cases, celebrities won't even deny they were drinking. Let's look at a few tricks a great lawyer will mention in court.

1. You Weren't Behind The Wheel

If you're involved in an accident, you were likely outside the vehicle when the police arrived. When you're facing DUI charge, the police will have to prove you were behind the wheel, which isn't always easy.

What if nobody actually caught you on camera? It's hard to rely on the testimony of another driver if they've been in a bad crash. Even if you admit you were behind the wheel, a lawyer could get it excluded from evidence.

2. Police Contradict Each Other

If you're arrested by two officers, it helps when their stories are the exact same. Even if they're saying something slightly different, it's good for you. How will a judge know which one is telling the truth?

It's not your fault if they don't take great notes. MassTsang criminal lawyers could argue you weren't as impaired as the officers are making out. Pay close attention to the wording they use because it could help.

3. Drinking Right Before Driving

The blood alcohol content (BAC) you always hear about refers to the amount of alcohol in your blood. If you're over a specific number, you're over the limit. What about people who have a drink right before getting in their car?

You might be above the limit after getting tested in the police station, but the alcohol would be sitting in your stomach. If it wasn't in your blood while you were driving, you weren't technically breaking the law.

4. Speak To A Lawyer Straight Away

Did you ask to speak to a lawyer straight away? You're supposed to be able to connect with a lawyer at the earliest opportunity. Even though it doesn't mean the instant you're pulled over, the police can't mess you around.

If you're held up at the scene for a while, could they have called your lawyer? Nobody can lie by saying your lawyer isn't available without trying to reach them. It's a good way to get your case thrown out.

5. Operating The Device Correctly

The police need to give you the correct breath sample demand. Sometimes they'll forget to say anything to you before getting you to blow into the ASD. An officer should also be able to tell the judge how it's supposed to work.

If they can't talk through the process, it's hard to see why your samples should be used as evidence. It should also be used straight away when you're pulled over. You might be okay if the officer had to radio for an ASD.

Great Lawyers Knows Lots Of Tricks

A great lawyer knows more tricks than we've talked about today, which is why you should always try to hire the best when you're facing a DUI charge.