Jonas Brothers Announce 'First Time' Contest, Promote New Song 2013 on Twitter: Release Date, More Details on New Album 2013 Still Unknown

By Carolyn Menyes | Jun 28, 2013 10:48 AM EDT

While most artists, including fellow boy band veterans the Backstreet Boys, take to talk shows and radio appearances to promote a new single, the Jonas Brothers are taking a more 21st Century approach.

To promote their new single "First Time," the boys have created a contest and Tumblr for their fans. Last night, the official Jonas Brothers Twitter tweeted out "What have u ALWAYS wanted 2 do? We'll pick a lucky WINNER to live out a #JBFirstTime experience w/ us on TOUR!"

Fans are invited to submit something they would like to do for the first time with Jonas Brothers, and one winner will be selected to live that dream while the JoBros are on tour.

So far at, submissions have included singing live with the band, ride in a hot air balloon and swimming underwater with Joe Jonas.

While Joe is in Kenya, the Jonas Brothers have been busy promoting "First Time" on social media. Other than the Tumblr contest, all three brothers and the JoBros' official account have been tweeting fans telling them to buy the new single.

"Get first time!!!! You won't regret it!" Kevin Jonas wrote. Nick used a Vine recently telling people to "make it feel like the first time," quoting the song's lyrics.

Fans have been eating the tweets up. Though some are asking for more traditional promotion, many are responding happily that the Jonas Brothers are back with new material. "This song is my JAM," said @AddictMiley. "I'm so glad you exist," responded @Harrys_Styles.

Though Jonas lovers have "First Time" to satisfy their need for new music, news on the Jonas Brothers new album has been slow. Though the band and their camp know the title and release date of the record, no official announcement has been made.

Fans can likely expect the record to drop in the fourth quarter of 2013. Announcements about album releases in September have been coming in recently, including Janelle Monae, Franz Ferdinand and Arctic Monkeys.

Since there have been no teasers about an album announcement, an October or later release date should be expected for the group's fifth studio album.

Though details are scarce, in an interview last week, Jonas Brothers announced songs called "Sandbox" and "The World" will appear alongside "Neon," "First Time" and "Pom Poms."