One Direction 'Perverted' & 'Filthy': Westboro Baptist Church Attacks Harry, Louis, Liam, Niall & Zayn on Facebook After Branding Taylor Swift a 'Wh*re'

By Jon Niles, Mstarz reporter | Jul 01, 2013 11:17 AM EDT

On a series of posts on the Facebook page of Westboro Baptist Church this weekend, the boys of One Direction were have been the target of some damning remarks and claims. Members Styles, Payne, Malik, Horan and Tomlinson were slammed by the infamous hate group and accused of leading their young fans into a world of sin. The church, which most recently called Taylor Swift a "proud whore," is infamous for protesting influential people that go against its belief system.

"WBC will picket this perverted pop boy band from the UK who claim to be the world's #1 band," the Facebook post ranted. "Indeed, they are a perfect representation of this filthy world and the sin-chasing, f*g-enabling, God-hating, Christ-rejecting UK who has banned WBC from preaching within her borders."

"These freaks and their fans think it's funny for these five perverts to grab each other's asses on stage. They glamorize sin and make a mock of God's standards. Their one purpose is to encourage the youth of this generation to pursue every lust their evil hearts can imagine."

But it looked like the boys were not affected by this rant, and posted some Twitter messages thanking their fans:

The One Direction boys were not the only high-profile targets of the hate group this week, though. Harry Style's ex-girlfriend, Taylor Swift, was also the subject of some damning remarks from the Westboro Baptist Church:

"@TaylorSwift13 works her 'girl next door' country-singer shtick, while hopping from one young man to the next and strutting across the world stage like a proud whore," a press release read.

The group then focused some of its negative energy on Swift's father, adding:

"He has no compunction about her immodest vulgar appearance or serial fornication. With a hating hypocrite for a dad - who will jealously guard her income, while not giving a thought for her never-dying soul - no wonder she grew up to be the poster child for the young whores of doomed-america [sic]."