Trayvon Martin Parents Speak Out [VIDEO]: First Time Since ZImmerman Not Guilty Verdict Martin Parents Appear On GMA: Talib Kweli, Nelly and Abby Dobson Jay Leno Tribute [VIDEO]

By Dominique Zonyee | Jul 18, 2013 01:50 PM EDT

The parents of Trayvon Martin, Sybrina Fulton and Tracy Martin gave their first interview since the George Zimmerman not guilty was read at around 10 pm Saturday night, with Good Morning America Thursday morning . In the heartbreaking and accordingly somber interview Fulton recounted the thoughts racing her mind following hearing that George Zimmerman was a free man.

Check out the hightlights from the interview via TheYBF and wath the full video below.

Sybrina on the verdict:

I really didn't believe that he was not guilty. My first thought was shock, disgust.

Sybrina on Trayvon's response to being followed by George Zimmerman:

I think people are forgetting that Trayvon was a teenager, so he probably thought as a teenager. I really do believe he was afraid because he did call George Zimmerman creepy. So he was afraid and if you are 17 years old and you are afraid, you may not know what to do.

Tracy on the verdict:

As parents, understanding how they reached the verdict, I'll never grasp that concept. Just as loving parents and God-fearing people, we just continue to pray that whatever was in their heart was what they intended to do. But we didn't feel it was fair and, of course, it was devastating.

Tracy on his son Trayvon:

I wish they really knew Trayvon for who he was and knew that he was a kid. They didn't know him as a human being, a very decent human being, a fun-loving kid. He loved kids. I just wish they had an opportunity to really know who Trayvon was and to put that in context with what their decision was.

Tracy on the apology George Zimmerman's parents offered:

There's no winner in this situation. Obviously, we are devastated more. I just think that all the circumstances surrounding books being written and the mischaracterization of us as parents, I just really don't feel that it's real sincere. But we continue to pray that we'll find peace and strength to be forgiving parents.

Tracy on going forward:

I think moving forward we need to educate ourselves as a community on the gun laws, on the laws, on the statutes. We need to come together more as a whole, not individual people, not individual races, and religions. We need to come together as God's people.

We need to start learning each other, understanding each other. You can't just judge a book by its cover. Something is wrong in so many ways to say that someone is suspicious just because you don't know them.

Sybrina on moving forward:

It's not just about the Trayvon Martin case, Now it's about your kids. It's about other kids. What do we tell our sons?

Watch Good Morning America interview with Trayvon Martin's parents Sybrina Futon and Tracy Martin:

The night before, On the Tonight Show with Jay Leno, Talib Kweli, Nelly, and Abby Dobson performed their hit "Before He Walked." The performance served as a tribute to Trayvon Martin as images of American history, slavery, centuries of racism and oppression flashed strategically through out their set.