Beyonce Grown Woman [ACOUSTIC COUNTRY REMIX]: Hear Bey's Latest As A Lighthearted Folk Tune

By Alex Galbraith, Mstars Reporter | Aug 15, 2013 10:39 AM EDT

This is just plain nice. Someone, somewhere remixed Beyonce's "Grown Woman" as an acoustic, countryish track. The easy strum with B's powerful vocals over top would make festival folksters like Mumford & Sons or The Lumineers proud. Check it out below:


Since the workings of King Bey and Co. are about as secret as the contents of a lady's purse, there's no telling if this is an officially sanctioned remix or the work of a superfan with a golden ear. Either way, we're better off for it.

Much in the same way that hearing Marvin Gaye's "Heard It Through The Grapevine" without instrumentation makes you realize how amazing his vocal was, hearing Bey free of the manic clutter that is "Grown Woman" only highlights the insane power of Mrs. Knowles-Carter's voice. It really is astounding.

What do you think of the acoustic country remix of "Grown Woman" and how does it hold up to the original?

Sound off in the comments.