Nirvana Original Contract With Sub Pop Posted To Label's Tumblr [PHOTO]

By Alex Galbraith, Mstars Reporter | Aug 21, 2013 04:01 PM EDT

Sup Pop's tumblr continues to be a wealth of Internet news. First, there was that awesome Virginia Tech letter requesting a personal message from Nirvana (and the label's hilarious dress-up response). Then, there was the news of the In Utero re-release. Now, someone at Sub Pop has dug up some old but rather significant paperwork. The label posted Nirvana's original $600 contract yesterday.

The tiny advance was for one album, with the option for two more ($12,000 dollars for the second album, $24,000 for the third). The contract was drawn up in 1989 before Dave Grohl replaced Chad Channing on the drums and also before guitarist Jason Everman left the band for Soundgarden (then left Soundgarden for the Army's Special Forces).

"Six hundred bucks well spent-not that we had it at the time," the label captioned the post