Prince Harry & Girlfriend Cressida Bonas Engaged? [VIDEO]: Royal Wedding in 2014 According to Friends

By Jon Niles, Mstars Reporter | Oct 07, 2013 01:57 PM EDT

We could be seeing another Royal wedding sometime next year as Prince Harry and his girlfriend Cressida Bonas get more and more serious. Perhaps becoming an uncle has put Harry in a more family-oriented state of mind, but it looks like Cressida is willing to marry the Prince even if she truly fees like they are rushing.

"Cressida has been in floods of tears," one of her friends claimed. "Harry is coming on very strong, but she is all over the place. She thinks she is far too young to get married and is scared by all his talk of marriage and settling down."

But this is just one source, whereas multiple insders have claimed that Cressida is in fact ready to join the Royal family.

One friend said: "Cressie is going to marry Harry. [He] never stops talking about marriage and children, and she has now got used to the idea. The wedding is likely to take place next year."

"Harry hasn't proposed yet but it's only a matter of time," another source added. "Much to Harry's ­delight, Cressida is very keen to become more serious. They want to remain very much as they are - with a ­private life away from the cameras but Cressida has quickly come around to the fact she loves Harry and will end up being part of the family."

The Prince has never been shy about his love of children. Just last year Katie Couric interviewed Harry about looking for a wife and starting a family of his own.

Check out this clip from the interview right here: