Dayna Morales: waitress and former US Marine stiffed on tip for 'gay lifestyle,' NJ mother leaves nasty/homophobic note on $93.55 bill, Facebook support goes viral

By Danica Bellini, Mstars Reporter | Nov 14, 2013 01:14 PM EST

Dayna Morales is a former U.S. Marine who now waitresses at the Gallop Asian Bistro in Bridgewater, N.J. Morales had a rather shocking run-in with a homophobic mother the other day while at work, and she shared her experience with the popular nonprofit "Have a Gay Day" on Facebook. Her story has since gone viral.

Earlier this week, Morales' Facebook post quickly went viral:

I'm a server at Gallop Asian Bistro in Bridgewater, NJ and THIS is what happened to me today.....


The note says "sorry I cannot tip because I do not agree with your lifestyle & the way you live your life" 

NEVER in a million years did I think this would happen. Not only was it a family with two kids, but as I introduce myself and tell them my name is Dayna - the mom proceeds to look at me and say "oh I thought you were gonna say your name is Dan. You sure surprised us!"

I am THOROUGHLY offended mad pissed off and hurt that THIS is what her kids will grow up learning and that I served in the Marines to keep ignorant people like them free. Sorry lady but I don't agree with YOUR lifestyle and the way you're raising your kids but you didn't see me throwing that in your face and giving you shitty service. Keep your damn mouth shut and pray we never cross paths again.

Dayna M.

Since sharing her story of blatent discrimination on social media, several people have offered their support and similar frustrations:

Christopher Godby: "As a member of the heterosexual community, I beg your forgiveness for these ignorant people."

Laura Worley: "I always tip 15% to 20% no matter who my server is, what my server does out side of the place is none of my business."

Leeanne Kemp: "It's a shame that her "moral compass" didn't also extend to not being able to accept your service, so that you could use that time waiting on another table, and she could tip, which is the appropriate thing to do when you receive service from a person in a service industry."

Ashley Rider: "I am sorry you went through that Dayna. Thank you for protecting and serving all. Even the ones who do not deserve it."

Julie O'Connell: "Ouch. I still shocks me as to how hateful & cruel people can be. Thank you for your service as well! We need more people like you in the world! God bless you!!"

The post has since been shared over 1,000 times.

Morales later added, "Thanks everyone for your support - it took very fiber of my being not to spit in their food and say something. (Not gonna lie if kids weren't there it would of been a totally different story)."

She remains very vocal about the situation on Facebook

Morales and representatives of Gallop Asian Bistro have yet to comment.

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Have a Gay Day's "About" section on Facebook reads:

Welcome to Have A Gay Day! We are GLAAD that you stopped by! Founded on the thought of Equality and N0 H8. Supporting Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, Straight and anything else that might be human, pet, or life.