'Batman vs. Superman' Robin and Bat Drones Revealed for Man of Steel 2?

By Andrew Meola | Nov 16, 2013 04:29 PM EST

Much of the information reported about director Zack Snyder's highly anticipated Batman vs. Superman movie in 2015 has been based on speculation, rumor and the like. But the latest piece of information comes from a source inside the film and could be the juiciest scoop yet.

Daniel Alter, a producer on the film who has also worked on Hitman and Kane & Lynch, tweeted Friday morning about the movie and used the words "Robin" and "drones." Here's the tweet in full:

"Can't wait for #BatmanvsSuperman.. #batfleck semi-retired/not speaking to Robin anymore.. Controlling drones from the batcave."

As with most news about this movie, the information only leads to more questions. Ben Affleck's Batman may not be speaking to Robin anymore, but does that necessarily mean we will see Robin in the movie? Which Robin will it be? And what will these Bat Drones look like?

There are any number of comic book sources for Snyder and his team to draw from other than the obvious Frank Miller classic The Dark Knight Returns. As Screen Rant points out, the Kingdom Come and Batman Incorporated storylines could provide some great material.

In Kingdom Come, Bruce Wayne teams up with Lex Luthor in an alternate future to form a group of non-superpowered humans to keep Superman and his team in line. In that comic, Batman controls drones from the Batcave. He also wore a new Batman armor in that comic specifically designed to fight Superman, and Kevin Smith recently said that he got a look at the new suit and was amazed by it. Could that suit be the one he saw?

Fans will find out in Summer 2015.