Creigh Deeds stabbed, son Austin Gus Deeds dead from self-inflicted gunshot wound: Virginia State Senator in critical condition after tragic home attack

By Danica Bellini, Mstars Reporter | Nov 19, 2013 12:12 PM EST

Reports confirm that Virginia State Senator Creigh Deeds remains in critical condition at UVA Hospital after being stabbed by his son Austin (Gus) Deeds on Tuesday morning (Nov. 19). Following the attack, Gus Deeds died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound. An investigation is currently underway.

The popular 55-year-old lawmaker was attacked by his son in his Bath County home on Tuesday, police said. Deeds was quickly flown to University of Virginia Medical Center in Charlottesville where he remains in critical condition.

Authorities responded to Deed's home at around 7:25 a.m. (local time). Fox News cites Virginia law enforcement authorities as alleging that Gus Deeds stabbed his father before shooting himself. Gus' lifeless body was also found in the residence.

The Virginia State Police Bureau of Criminal Investigation's Salem Field Office is currently investigating the case to find out what events instigated such tragic acts of violence. Police will hold a press conference at 12 p.m. (local time).

A former Bath County prosecutor, Deeds was elected to the House of Delegates in 1991 and to the Virginia State Senate in 2001 (as the result of a special election folowing the death of Emily Couric). He lost a Virginia attorney general race to Republican Bob McDonnell in 2005. Then in 2009, Deeds lost the governor's race to McDonnell again. During this time, Gus Deeds and his sister Amanda helped out with their dad's campaign. They would visit college campuses across the state to encourage the youth to vote for Deeds. According to a family profile at the time of the race, Gus was listed as a 20-year-old junior at William & Mary. He allegedly took a semester off school to help with his dad's campaign (via New York Daily News).

According to Fox News, Deeds is a rural Democrat who drafted a constitutional amendment guaranteeing Virginians' right to hunt. He's strongly supported by the National Rifle Association and other gun-rights advocates.

Deeds divorced his wife Pam shortly after the 2009 campaign. They have four children together.

Deeds' former opponent Govornor McDonnell issued a statement later Tuesday, deeming the incident "utterly heartbreaking" -

Creigh Deeds is an exceptional and committed public servant who has always done what he believes is best for Virginia and who gives his all to public service. He cares deeply about Virginia, and the people of Virginia care deeply for him.

I urge all Virginians today to join me in praying for a full and complete recovery for Creigh and for many more years of his public service to the commonwealth. At this moment, our state unites in prayer for Creigh Deeds and his family. 

Thoughts go out to Deeds' family, friends, and colleagues during this tragic time. Stay tuned as more details develop.