President Obama makes GQ's least influential list

GQ Magazine was more than bluntly honest when putting together its "least influential" list. While some of celebrities listed may seem befitting, the mag even featured Mr. President.

This may come as no surprise but Dennis Rodman made the top of the list. The strange former basketball star has been in recent news for his relations with North Korea but what impact has he made since traveling overseas? According to GQ, none.

GQ called Rodman a "Q-list celebrity willing to commit borderline treason just to hang out with a dictator who himself aspires to be a Q-list celebrity."

The magazine's third annual list of least influential celebrities also featured Miley Cyrus and Paula Deen.

Deen came in at No. 2 after a rough summer. Deen came under heavy scrutiny a few months back after she admitted to having used the N-word to describe black employees.

Former Congressman Anthony Weiner made the list at No. 3. Weiner admitted to having inappropriate online exchanges with women. The former Congressman resigned in June 2011 after a sexting scandal.

GQ called Weiner "the saddest lecher in American politics" and went on to say "that's saying something, because they're all lechers."

Harsh words from the magazine and that's only number three...yikes!

Twerking pop star Miley Cyrus came in at No. 6. GQ said that she is "basically trying every inane strategy she could think of to rile up America's few remaining pearl clutchers."

Somewhere in the midst of the celeb bashing, President Obama made his way onto the list at No. 17 because "nothing gets done."

Other celebs that made the list include Justin Bieber, Lady Gaga, Ryan Reynolds and Will Smith.

GQ has been making some bold moves lately. With recent backlash from Kendrick Lamar's camp, how do you think these celebs will react?