Best and worst moments from the week in television featuring The Big Bang Theory, American Horror Story Coven and more

By Andrew Meola | Nov 25, 2013 09:43 AM EST

Another Monday means its time for another edition of MStars' "Best and Worst Moments from the Week in Television." This week we've got The Big Bang Theory, American Horror Story: Coven and more on tap, so let's dive into the list.

Best Moments

1)   American Horror Story: Coven's undead threesome: As long as Coven keeps delivering batsh*t insane developments week after week, it's going to keep making this list. Last week's episode featured not just undead sex between Madison (Emma Roberts) and Kyle (Evan Peters), but it turned into an undead/living threesome featuring, Madison, Kyle and Zoe (Taissa Farmiga). So now Madison gets to feel something after her resurrection, Zoe can have sex without killing anyone, and Kyle gets to bang two hot chicks. Everybody wins!

2)   Sheldon has feelings on The Big Bang Theory: For all of Sheldon's obnoxiousness and obliviousness, it's always nice when The Big Bang Theory reminds us that he does, in fact, have a heart. So watching him share a few beers (yes, Sheldon actually drank) with Howard's father-in-law was a surprisingly touching moment.

Worst Moments:

1)   Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. drops the hammer: The much anticipated Thor: The Dark World tie-in episode of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. fell pretty flat in terms of actual connection to the movie. There were some loose references to what happened in the film and the team had to, literally and figuratively, clean up the mess in London. But that was about it. The plot of the episode really had no link to the movie, and the whole thing ended with a weird implied sexual encounter between Agent Ward and Agent May.

2)   Arrow's trial problems: After almost a season's worth of build-up, Moira's trial on Arrow was all kinds of absurd and definitely not worth the wait.

What do you think? Did we miss any big moments? Let us know in the comments below.