Spike Lee fires back at the designer who claimed his 'Oldboy' poster designs were stolen

By Nicole Oran nicole.oran@gmail.com | Nov 30, 2013 12:31 PM EST

Designer Juan Luis Garcia recently sent a letter to director Spike Lee, claiming that he created the poster design for the film 'Oldboy' but was never compensated by the ad agency. Lee has now responded and fired back against the alleged mistreatment of the designer.

In his letter, Garcia wrote: "I know you'll understand my story of an artist trying to make a dignified living. It's difficult and sometimes seems impossible because everyone wants you to work for free or for 'exposure.'"

It still isn't entirely clear what the facts are in this case. But Lee is not taking any responsibility for the claims and doesn't believe he has anything to do with the issue at hand.

Lee responded to the letter on Twitter Thursday, tweeting "I Never Heard Of This Guy Juan Luis Garcia,If He Has A Beef It's Not With Me.I Did Not Hire Him,Do Not Know Him.Cheap Trick Writing To Me.YO."

Later on Instagram, some people sent comments to Lee, seemingly supporting Garcia and believing what he has said to be true. To which Lee responded again: "Why Should I Pay Someone Who I Never Met Nor Had Any Contact With Ever? He Never Made Any Deal With Me.Why Don't You Pay Me For Your Stupid Text On Thanksgiving Day?"

Garcia seems to want this handled amicably, and he went straight to Lee thinking that it would make more of a difference and increase the likelihood of his compensation for the project. In an email to The Hollywood Reporter, he wrote:

"I don't want to sue anyone, it's not in my nature, but if that's what it comes down to, so be it," he wrote in the email. "I'm thrilled he liked the posters and hope they continue using them, but I need to be renumerated."

Unfortunately, beyond the complications between Garcia, Lee and the ad agency, 'Oldboy' is doing terribly at the box office. The film, starring Josh Brolin and Elizabeth Olsen might not even hit the $2 million mark during its holiday debut.