Kim Kardashian, Kanye West being sued by YouTube co-founder

Kim Kardashian and Kanye West wasted no time filing a lawsuit against YouTube co-founder Chad Hurley after he posted a video of their engagement on the internet. But Hurley isn't going down without a fight.

Last month KimYe decided to take legal action against Hurley after claiming that he violated a confidentiality agreement by posting a video of their marriage proposal on his new video-sharing site.

The couple claims that Hurley wasn't invited to the extravagant October 21 proposal at San Francisco's AT&T Park, but he was allowed to stay under one condition. Hurley allegedly signed an agreement not to post any video or images from the event.

Hurley is firing back at the couple with a countersuit. He claims that he wasn't informed that he wasn't allowed to film or distribute the footage. He also noted the fact that West allowed the event to be filmed by a professional crew for a possible broadcast on E!

The video, which was about two and a half minutes long, appeared blurry and was taken from afar. The footage was later uploaded to Hurley's new business venture, Mixbit.

Mixbit is an app that allows the user to record, edit, and publish videos right from your mobile device, then collaborate and remix videos uploaded by the Mixbit community.

West claimed Hurley was trying to capitalize off the couple in hopes of matching YouTube's success through other ventures.

Looks like this could get messy. What do you think of this situation? Is the couple over reacting?