Amy Poehler and Billy Eichner take streets of New York to agressively request that strangers sing Christmas Carols with them

By Nicole Oran | Dec 17, 2013 02:24 PM EST

Some New Yorkers got an unexpected surprise, or in some cases were terrified, when Amy Poehler joined the expert of harassment Billy Eichner to request that random people join them in singing some Christmas songs in what Eichner calls the "Holiday Lightning Round."

Dressed in full holiday getups the two ran up to strangers, literally they are running almost the entire time, and enthusiastically asked them to sing along for a variety of tunes. They even offered some of them a dollar, as if singing with Poehler wasn't reward enough. The sad part, or hilarious part, is that most of the people didn't know the words to any of the Christmas songs.

When the comedians stopped singing, prompting the strangers to complete a lyric, and the people inevitably failed to do so, the two ran away outraged. At one point a guy apparently tries to crack a joke, which was unacceptable. As they ran onto the next person, Poehler yells, "We crack the jokes!" One man with an accent joins in for the lyric, "dashing through the snow," but he repeatedly pronounced the word "snow" as "no," which again, was unacceptable.

The best part is when they approach a woman with a baby and ask her what his name is. She replies, "Arrow." Full of rage, Eichner yells, "Arrow? What? Nope, not dealing with that bulls-t name."

Eichner is a master at confrontation with his Funny or Die show Billy on the Street, which starts its next season March 12 on He's always pretty outrageous, but with Poehler, who you can't help but love, it makes the bit that much funnier.

Watch the hilarious video below.