Josh Holloway comments on Aquaman rumors in 'Batman vs. Superman' movie

By Andrew Meola | Jan 21, 2014 12:46 PM EST

The stream of Batman vs. Superman (aka Man of Steel 2) news seems to never end. The speculation about other Justice League members in the film continues to run rampant, and Aquaman is one of the heroes at the center of it all. Both Jason Momoa (Game of Thrones) and Josh Holloway (Lost, Intelligence) have been linked to the role. The former has repeatedly denied involvement, but the latter took a different approach.

IGN interviewed Holloway about his new show, Intelligence, on CBS, and the conversation of course turned to Batman vs. Superman and those pesky Aquaman rumors. Here's what Holloway had to say on the subject:

"It hasn't been brought to my attention by my people, so maybe they're just floating it softly around, but that would be cool! Sure, I think I'm available at the moment as we just wrapped up. I'm an actor, I like different roles. Batman movies are awesome, Marvel movies are awesome. But we'll see, I'm on a series right now. I think they usually want to sign you up for several movies and I don't know if you can do that when you're committed to a series..."

Unlike the repeated denials we've heard in the past from Momoa or from Paul Rudd with regard to Ant-Man (which actually turned out to be a lie, as Marvel confirmed the actor for the movie), Holloway at least seems interested in the idea.

What do you think, fans? Should Holloway get the part? What do you make of all these rumors? Let us know in the comments below.