'American Horror Story: Coven' finale: Supreme's identity was hidden in title credits

By Alex Galbraith | Feb 01, 2014 02:22 PM EST

This post is obviously going to be full of spoilers. Consider yourself warned. Ryan Murphy wrapped the third season of American Horror Story: Coven (aka the season where he effectively squandered all his hard-earned goodwill) by revealing the the HBIC Supreme was...

...Cordelia. And, while AHS fans are notorious for seeking out tiny clues that can reveal where the season is heading, they missed the giant clue as to who the supreme was staring them in the face during the opening credits.

Some users on Reddit and Tumblr found a possible easter egg in the opening credits of "Coven" revealing that Cordelia may just be the new Supreme. They identified the image in Sarah Paulson's credit as Santa Muerte, a folk saint known as "Lady of the Seven Powers," according to Wikipedia, aka the Supreme. Let us not forget that Ryan Murphy has warned us to keep our eyes open for clues in each season's opening credits. This theory is pretty believable since Cordelia recently gained the power of divination (one of the Seven Wonders) and has taken charge of the coven again.


The shot in question is above.

Murphy has weighed in on the finale and even offered a few hints as to where will take his campy, horror show next. He says that being the Supreme was "always the trajectory" of Cordelia.

"The whole season has been about mothers and daughters, second chances, second phases in your life, believing in yourself when no one does," Murphy said in a recent interview.

As for next season Murphy said that it "will be equally as challenging, because so much of it is period and bizarre and crazy and gothic."

Then he dropped a bit of bad news.

"My feeling is, if you loved this season, you'll love next season. It has the same sort of comedic tone to it."