Justin Bieber Confirmed Next Single 'As Long As You Love Me' Feat. Big Sean [VIDEO]

By Mia Smith | Jun 26, 2012 09:54 PM EDT

Justin Bieber's follow up single to the successful promo single "Boyfriend" will be "As Long as You Love Me" featuring Big Sean. It has been confirmed that the single will hit the radio on July 9th.

"As Long As You Love Me" is already heading up the charts, and with a greater push on the radio, it's expected to rise up to the top.

Big Sean on his collaboration with Bieber said to MTV, "Bieber's a true G. People may not know that. He is a good dude, man. And I ain't toning down nothing. I'm diverse - I can write raps to any type of song."

The single was chosen after much consideration. Bieber's manager, Scooter Braun had previously said the next single will be based on the reaction off the Believe album and "As Long As You Love Me" has been "getting a lot of love."

Bieber is hard at work to promote his album "Believe" and prepare for his world tour next year.