Joel McHale to Host White House Correspondents Event

By Casey Balch | Feb 15, 2014 07:11 PM EST

The Soup's host, Joel McHale, has been scheduled to host the White House Correspondents' dinner later this year. McHale will be providing entertainment for the crowd of White House press and celebrities. The White House Correspondents' Association will have their annual dinner on May 3 in Washington, D.C.

With what he was preparing to say at his new hosting gig, McHale took to his Twitter and tweeted, "My material will be equally offensive to all & over within 30 min -- just like a Congressional work year."

McHale stars in NBC's Community, a re-launched television series about a study group at a community college. He has hosted the E! Network's The Soup since 2004. Previous hosts of the dinner include Conan O'Brien in 2013, Jimmy Kimmel in 2012, and Seth Meyers in 2011.

Besides The Soup, McHale has hosted and co-hosted at Live with Kelly and Michael, The American Giving Awards, VGX: The Next Generation of Video Game Awards, along with a number of The Soup Presents, which are special editions of The Soup.

The White House Correspondents' dinner has been a tradition in Washington since 1920.  According to the association's website, "The WHCA represents each sector of the media filling the press room each day. All trace their roots back to the newspaper reporters who, in the 1890s, stood outside the White House fence to seek meetings with the president and to question visitors as they left the grounds."