RHOA Todd Tucker, Mama Joyce Beef: Mama Joyce set up Kandi Burruss's fiance to get cheating photos

By Mereb Gebremariam | Feb 18, 2014 09:54 AM EST

Real Housewives of Atlanta raging mother, Mama Joyce doesn't play any games when it comes to her daughter Kandi's heart and insists that her fiancé Todd Tucker cheated on her with her best friend, Carmon.

In an interview with Sister 2 Sister, Mama Joyce says that she wants someone different for her, "I would like a real man, a man that just looks at her and thinks that she's the prize, the way I look at her."

At first Mama Joyce claimed that Todd was an opportunist because he is a freelance worker and would have preferred if she married a man with a basic job.

"He could be a postman. He could be a police officer. He could be a fireman...As long as when she marries him, he don't quit his job," said Joyce. "If he was working a full job, if he was a full production person that has full benefits and all that, I'd be happy."

On top of his career path, she claims that childhood friend Carmon was spotted by sources allegedly getting too close during a dinner.

"Todd and Carmen were sitting at a table, all head to head talking. I'm trying to figure out what they got to talk so much about that they got to be head to head," she said. "They were eating off the same plate, drinking out the same glass."

Mama Joyce is trying her best to break the pair up that she even went as far to admit that she would pay for pictures of any infidelity on Todd's part.

 "If you can get those kinds of pictures, I'd pay for that. I'd pay for that. Kandi would not believe it unless she saw the pictures," she said.