As I Lay Dying Frontman Pleads Guilty to Solitation of Murder Charges

By Casey Balch | Feb 25, 2014 07:57 PM EST

The lead singer of the heavy-metal, Christian band As I Lay Dying has pleaded guilty to Solicitation of Murder charges.  Timothy Lambesis was arrested last year after he asked an undercover detective to kill his wife, Meggan.  Lambesis can face up to nine years and fines if convicted.  He will be formally sentenced in May 2014. reported that Lambesis spoke to the undercover cop and specifically wanted his wife to be "gone."  The detective said, "(Lambesis) continued to say repeatedly that, I want her gone. I want her never ever, ever to come back." 

The undercover detective also said, "During our conversation he told me that he had picked out three dates that were good dates for him, for me to kill his wife. Those were the dates that he would have his children and therefore, he would not be a suspect in the case."

Lambesis reportedly wanted his wife murdered because he wanted his wife dead because she was going to get up to 60 percent of his income and would not allow their children - ages 4, 8, and 10 - to go on tour with him, according to NBC San Diego.  

Lambesis had emailed Meggan, ending their marriage. "While he was out on tour he told her that he was with somebody else and that it was over," said investigators.

According to, Lambesis' estranged wife had filed for divorce in 2012.  The couple had adopted three children together from Ethiopia.  They had been married for eight years.