Louis Tomlinson posts Twitter diss to parents that slam One Direction's 'Live While We're Young' lyircs

By Jon Niles | Mar 03, 2014 11:13 AM EST

A set of parents in Michigan found out that their children were performing One Direction's "Live While We're Young" in a choir performance and decided to pull the kids out before they could sing. These parents decided that the "Tonight let's get some" line in the song was too "explicit" for the children. When Louis Tomlinson heard this story, he decided to address it in a cheeky way on his Twitter account!

UK newspaper The Mirror reports "a mother and father recently yanked their two teenagers from a choir performance upon discovering they were going to sing Live While We're Young with fellow students. The parents were reportedly upset by a line in the song: 'Tonight let's get some, and live while we're young,' insisting it was too sexually explicit for the teens to sing."

Upon finding out about this news, Tomlinson decided to send the concerned parents a message through Twitter. Check out what he said right here:

These Tweets received some support from fans, with around 50,000 retweets! Clearly the cheeky nature could have been viewed as a bit too much, but that won't stop One Direction fans from retweeting Louis.

Mr. and Mrs. Stone have yet to respond in any way to Tomlinson's tweets, but they reportedly sent "strongly worded" letter to the Chelsea School District in Michigan about the song. They insisted "Live While We're Young" was a violation of "the district's policy for sexual innuendos."

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