Shaq Fu 2 officially in development and looking for funds on Indiegogo

By Andrew Meola | Mar 06, 2014 03:00 PM EST

Shaq Fu is one of the legendarily so-bad-its-good games. The fighting game starring former NBA star Shaquille O'Neal debuted on the Super Nintendo and Sega Genesis in 1994 and featured a story in which the big man travels to an alternate dimension to rescue a child from various creatures. Shaq himself mentioned the possibility of a sequel in January, and now Shaq Fu 2 is officially in development.

Big Deez Productions is developing Shaq Fu: A Legend Reborn, which is currently raising funds on Indiegogo. As of this writing, the project has raised more than $17,500, though the goal is $450,000.

Shaq actually stars in a campaign video and teaser for the game, in which he states that this team also worked on Halo, Street Fighter and Final Fantasy. Surprisingly, the game actually looks like it could be something more than just a joke, as the Indiegogo page pledges, "This time we won't FU it up!" The company also compares the game more to Devil May Cry than a traditional fighting game.

Shaq, who famously starred in Kazaam, will once again take center stage in the video game.

"[He] really wants to be a part of this and we love that he's onboard," Big Deez said on the page. "He's going to have a huge involvement in this and he is not about to let the same mistake happen twice."

"We are gamers, not executives. We know what's good and we know what stinks. This isn't about trying to make a quick buck, it's about creating something that both we and Shaq can be proud of. We want to make a slick, fun, rock-solid game."

Shaq has promised that five percent of all proceeds from the game will go to the Boys & Girls Clubs of America, to which Shaq has already donated $1 million to help pay for technology centers at various clubs.

Will Shaq Fu 2 actually be a good game? Are you excited for it? Let us know in the comments below.