Game of Thrones Season 4 Spoilers: Daenerys' dragons could run wild

By Andrew Meola | Mar 12, 2014 09:35 AM EDT

The Season 4 premiere of HBO's Game of Thrones is just weeks away (Sunday, April 6, to be exact) and fans of the hit fantasy series are eagerly awaiting more bloodshed, sex and power struggles. And based on the newest spoilers, the season premiere will be packed with at least some of those elements.

The "Mega Buzz" column at TV Guide reports that GoT's first Season 4 installment is filled with new enemies and dangers:

"The season premiere is jam-packed with new threats, including Oberyn Martell, who wastes no time revealing his evil intentions for the Lannister family when he arrives in King's Landing. The outlook is equally grim for Khaleesi, who realizes that even she might not be able to train her dragons and Jon Snow, who isn't exactly greeted with a hero's welcome when he returns to the Night's Watch. On the positive side, however, Arya finally gets some long-awaited, bloody revenge."

That last bit is intriguing, but it's anyone's guess at whom Arya would point her wrath because the girl's got a long list of enemies. Also, Daenerys' inability to control her dragons sounds like a problem for every living creature on this show.

Just as a reminder, here is the first episode's title and a possible plot description (via WinterIsComing and Comic Book Movie, respectively):

"Season 4, Episode 1: Two Swords
Running time: 58 minutes

In the books, the Lannisters add one final insult to the late Ned Stark when they melt down his sword 'Ice' and forge two new ones for Jamie and Joffrey. It's likely this ep focuses on the very different man Jamie has become, especially in contrast to his psychotic nephew son."

Are you excited for the Season 4 premiere? What do you think will happen? Let us know in the comments below.