Frank Ocean tells Chipotle to "f**k off"

By Alex Galbraith | Mar 13, 2014 08:54 AM EDT

Frank Ocean has responded to that Chipotle lawsuit in the most direct, belligerent and responsible way he knows how. Ocean wrote a check for the entire amount the burrito chain was suing for with a not-so-subtle "f**k off" written on the memo line.

The man born Christopher Breaux uploaded a scan of the check to his Tumblr. Check out the check image up top.

As we'd reported before, Ocean was asked to perform a cover of "Pure Imagination" for a Chipotle spot. However, the Channel Orange singer bailed when he saw a final cut of the ad with the chain's logo plastered all over it. Because we all know Ocean would never use his music to push a product like say...Converse sneakers.

Chipotle opted to use a cover by Fiona Apple who had no such qualms. 

According to TMZ, Chipotle reps are happy that Ocean gave the money back, though the check hasn't arrived yet.