Lauren Conrad's '5 Thing's You Didn't Know About Drinking Green Juice'

By Scott Schachter | Mar 18, 2014 04:30 PM EDT

We all know that drinking green juice in the morning gives us that little extra pep throughout the day  and that they are filled with a super healthy dose of our daily essential vitamins.

But did you know that there is a proper way to drink your fav green drink?

Neither did we, but thanks to the lovely ladies at Lauren & nutritionist Shira Lenchewski, we can now present to you the "5 Thing's You Didn't Know About Drinking Green Juice."

1: Drink it on an empty stomach. 

"I prefer to drink my green juice on an empty stomach-after I've worked out in the morning-because I like the idea of the nutrients going straight to my digestive tract (I make sure to eat plenty of protein about 20 minutes later). Drinking fresh fruit and veggie juice is the fastest way to allow your body to absorb all those vitamins and minerals-even faster than eating the fruits and veggies whole. So, drinking a green juice after eating a big meal will only slow down the process of those nutrients entering your system. My rule is: If you've eaten a big meal, allow yourself two hours to digest before drinking green juice. If you've just drank a juice, allow yourself 20 minutes before eating a big meal. Simple as that.

I hope you all enjoyed learning something new about drinking your favorite green juice (I sure did!). Another big thanks to Shira for sharing her expert tips."

2:Don't consider it a meal replacement.
"Proportionally speaking, most green juices are very low in calories and protein, with the majority of calories coming from carbohydrates, according to Shira. So, while drinking green juice can be an excellent way to increase your daily servings of vegetables, most juices aren't sufficient to be full-blown meal replacements. Try thinking of green juice as a health supplement-like a multivitamin-not a meal replacement."

3. Don't use too many sugary fruits.
Just like eating too many sweets can send your body into a blood sugar tailspin, drinking juices with too many sugary fruits can leave you with energy highs and lows. Shira advises her clients to stick to green juices made primarily with leafy greens and just one serving of fruit, like one small pear. Many commercial green juices are loaded with sugar, and they often contain more fruit than we should be consuming in one sitting.  And since the juicing process removes fiber from fruits and veggies, sugar hits the bloodstream faster. On that note, be on the lookout for common sugar-containing additives like coconut water and agave. Simply put: Try to drink juices that are as veggie-heavy as possible.  

Be sure to read the rest of the list and let us know what you think below!