It's All About Fistfights, Chupacabras, And A Little Girl In 'Chicacabra'

By Jorge Solis | Mar 29, 2014 01:47 PM EDT

IDW Publishing will bring readers  a new graphic novel that delivers an unusual take on the legendary creature known as the chupacabra.  Known for his work in True Story, Swear To God, writer/artist Tom Beland tells an emotional coming-of-age tale with a supernatural twist in Chicacabra.

Plot Synopsis:

You would think being a young woman in high school would come with more than enough drama, but for Isabel Sanchez that is a mere drop in the bucket of her life. On the outside, Isabel looks and acts like your average Puerto Rican girl but after a family tragedy and then a mysterious incident, she finds herself with a monster capable of great brutality living inside her. But is it her friend or foe?

Chris Ryall, IDW's Chief Officer/Editor-In-Chief, discuss the artwork, "Beland's work is the perfect mix of comic-book storytelling with expressive art, interesting characters, and a resonant, emotional core. And I couldn't be happier to see him apply those skills in this new way on Chicacabra. Tom's books have always been the kind of thing you want to hand someone, whether they're new to comics or a veteran reader who thinks they've seen it all. There's something for everyone in his work, and never more so than with Chicacabra, which pushes into the supernatural while still staying a fundamentally grounded, human tale.

Beland explains why his main character will resonate with readers, "I think people will relate to Isabel. I think we all have a chupacabra in us in some way. There's fear, doubt, many things that you hold deep inside of yourself. This is about two souls working together in a relationship that could be damaging as well as healing. I love making it. To a degree it was as emotional as making TSSTG."

Chicacabra will be available in stores this June summer. A special alternate cover of will only be released at the Puerto Rico Comic Con on the weekend of May 24th.