Take A Wild Trip To A 'Mad Max' Future In 'Tribes: The Dog Years'

By Jorge Solis j.solis@mstarsnews.com | Mar 30, 2014 04:58 PM EDT

Imagine the post-apocalyptic world of Mad Max drawn by Disney and you would get the critically acclaimed sci-fi graphic novel, Tribes. Writers Michael Geszel and Peter Spinetta, along with breakout artist Inaki Miranda, have teamed up with IDW Publishing to bring readers a brand new deluxe edition of Tribes: The Dog Years Special Edition.

Plot Synopsis:

A deadly virus constricts the human lifespan to only twenty-one years, leaving the world in shambles, and a future where teenage youth lead the last of humanity. Can an old tale lead to a new hope and chance at survival for those that remain?

Miranda discusses how the project resonates with him even after completion, "Two years after finishing my work on the book, the world of Tribes still lives in my head. That's how strong this creation is and how powerful the characters are."

Geszel contributes, "I'm thrilled with the new edition, especially the chance to show Inaki's stellar pencil work in full pages and publish some marvelous concept designs of new characters."

This special edition not only puts together the original volume, but also adds new illustrations from the artist. Miranda has included his penciled pages, concept designs, and pin-ups. A must-have for art lovers, Miranda's meticulous style of drawing is on full display here.

The deluxe version of Tribes: The Dog Years Special Edition will hit stores this May. This new edition is perfect for fans of the Tribes series, as well as a jumping-on point for new readers.