WATCH: Matt Smith and Karen Gillan reunite, witness a 'Doctor Who' marriage proposal, and pose with a Dalek [PHOTO & VIDEOS]

By Jon Niles | Apr 01, 2014 02:25 PM EDT

Matt Smith is only a few months into his life after Doctor Who, but that doesn't mean he's going to completely forget the show that has made him a household name. Over the weekend at the Louisville WizardWorld Comic Con, the 31-year-old actor sang the theme song to the beloved BBC show and even reunited with his longtime companion Karen Gillan for some fan interaction moments. One of those moments had the stars' jaws dropping!

As any convention of this sort goes, fans get the opportunity to pose with the stars of their favorite shows. Smith and Gillan are like royalty to Whovians, so getting the opportunity to meet them and them pose for pictures is just a dream come true. Add in one of the biggest moments of your life into the mix, like a marriage proposal, and you've made this photo opportunity into quite the story.

That's exactly what this young man did when he and his girlfriend walked up to take a photo with the former Doctor Who stars. Check out this video right here:

Also check out this priceless photo of Smith, Gillan and the pair's former foe from their time on the BBC series:

Lastly, there's nothing quite like hearing your favorite show's theme song. Though we're sure Matt Smith would've been sick of his former show's theme, it turns out he really enjoys breaking into it for no apparent reason. Check out this great video clip of him doing his best version of the Doctor Who theme song during his Q&A panel over the weekend: