'Star Wars 7' Casting News, Rumors: Unknown Oxford actress Maisie Richardson-Sellers joins J.J. Abrams' 'Episode VII'?

By Jon Niles | Apr 11, 2014 12:00 PM EDT

Maisie Richardson-Sellers is an Oxford student and actress who has zero film credits, but garnered some acclaim for British stage performances. Why are we telling you about Maisie? Well rumors are circulating claiming she could have a major role in 2015's Star Wars: Episode VII.

The Star Wars movie franchise despite failing fans in the prequel series has had one constant aspect to it that has us all even more excited for the upcoming Episode VII in a way: casting of unknown, relatively unknown stars in major roles. Think about the original trilogy cast. Now think of the devastating prequels. Recognizable faces now, but such stars like Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford, Natalie Portman and even Ewan McGregor were not huge names by any means when they were cast by Lcuasfilm. In other words, the news about Maisie shouldn't come as a surprise.

According to these reports of Maisie's possible role, no contracts have been signed. For now she's just in talks but with filming already started we could be hearing about an offer coming very soon for this unknown star.

Slashfilm reports:

What role could this be? It's likely the role recent Oscar winner Lupita Nyong'o was up for, an African-American female who is part of the extended family of deceased Jedi Master Obi-wan Kenobi (played by Ewan McGregor in the prequels and Sir Alec Guinness in the originals). Such a role has long been rumored and has yet to be confirmed but buzz for actresses like Nyong'o and Richardson-Sellers certainly suggest its true.