Scandal Season 3 Spoilers: Finale rocks Olivia Pope's world

By Andrew Meola | Apr 11, 2014 09:21 AM EDT

Scandal aired its penultimate Season 3 episode last night and, SPOILER ALERT, we learned that Mama Pope shot Rowan, her bomb is still very much in play at the upcoming Congressman's funeral and Cyrus is going to let it go off to take out Sally Langston and a bunch of his other problems.

So how could things get worse from there? Darby Stanchfield, who plays Abby Whelan on the show, offered the following preview to

"What can you say about the finale? Multiple cliffhangers, I hear.
Yes! I don't know why I feel compelled to talk in metaphors...but to give you another metaphor, if it's a chess game, there are huge moves made. Checkmate moves. I, honestly, in the season finale, while we were filming it, I was looking around this one particular set - and it doesn't really matter which one it is because you know Abby is everywhere...but I was looking around and thinking, 'Wow, things have gotten so crazy, that they might have to build a totally new set.' It might be something different [next year] because this world has exploded. What world? I won't tell you. But it's that major."

It's possible the show could kill off one character or even multiple characters, but would it really go through with something this major? Cyrus is stalling Fitz, so it looks for now like he's out of harm's way. But this is Scandal, so nothing is what it seems.

What do you think, Scandal fans? How will the finale shake out? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.