'Star Wars 7' Casting News, Rumors: Is that an AT-AT on set? Check out new photos of 'Episode VII' filming right now!

By Jon Niles | Apr 17, 2014 03:32 PM EDT

New photos from the film set of J.J. Abrams' highly anticipated and secretive movie, Star Wars: Episode VII have surfaced this week, with fans wondering what exactly is going on in the Abu Dhabi desert. Some say the photos look like evidence of an AT-AT and others are pointing towards other theories. Let's just see for ourselves! 

Check out these set photos from Episode VII filming right here!

We admit that these aren't the most revealing photos, but adding to the speculation around this movie is still exciting!

The National reports:

It is one piece of equipment in particular, however, that is the most suggestive: a giant, round, grey disc, which bears a striking resemblance to parts of an escape pod on which C3P0 and R2D2 crash-landed on Tatooine in the original, 1977, Star Wars: A New Hope film.
According to sources within the local film industry, crew members have already been hired for the Abu Dhabi leg of the secret production. However, no one at the petrol station, two cafes and two shops in the closest town, Himeem, had any inkling of a nearby movie set or unusual construction.

"I live around here, it's totally my home area and I'm sure if anything as big as that was going on I'd know about it," said an Emirati farmer. "I'm always here, and I've definitely seen nothing like that. It's just business as usual."

What do you think of these set photos? Are you thinking this mysterious object relates back to the previous films or is this going to be something original to the new films?