Harry Styles Dating Rumors 2014: One Direction hunk has the hots for Asami Zdrenka according to fellow Neon Jungle songstresses

By Staff | Apr 25, 2014 12:12 PM EDT

According to some credible inside sources, One Direction's Harry Styles could have a crush on Neon Jungle's Asami Zdrenka. We say "credible" because these insiders making these claims are Asami's band members Amira McCarthy and Jess Plumer! What do you think of this new rumor?

Harry allegedly met 18-year-old Asami after February's BRIT Awards ceremony after party hosted by Sony Music.

"There was sparks, fireworks, explosions!" Amira McCarthy told Heatworld this week. "I reckon there were sparks. He whispered in my ear that she's hot."

Plummer added: "Yeah same! He said that she's amazing, he said 'Asami's really hot!' and I was like 'yeah she is isn't she!'"

So what did Zdrenka have to say about meeting Styles?

"He was really nice and it was really weird because obviously I'm a really big fan of One Direction but when I was talking to him I didn't feel like I was talking to Harry from One Direction," she revealed. "I just thought I was talking to Harry Styles who just so happened to be in the same business as me."

"I was dancing with Harry and he is so nice, you know," she told The Metro in another interview. "Liam and Harry are both so down to earth and so nice. I was talking to Liam and he was like 'Let's get a picture!' and I was like 'Ok'. It's crazy. I still fancy him. And he follows me on Twitter as well. I don't know if I'd want to go on a date though, if I'm honest. But if it happens... I think it would be fun!"