Pusha T on N-Word, Gay Rappers, why Kanye West is misunderstood and why Pharrell is so hard on him [VIDEO]

By Star Connor | May 01, 2014 03:05 PM EDT

Pusha T’s solo debut album “My Name Is My Name” was one of the top hip-hop releases in 2013, and it looks like “King Push” album is doing well. On Larry King Now, the rapper talked about his critically-acclaimed album, what it’s like to work with Kanye, why Pharrell is hard on him, and why they are so close as working partners, and whether fans will see another Clipse album coming out soon.

Pusha T also talked about some controversial topics — such as when it comes to the N-word, Pusha told Larry, “It definitely should be banned” in the NFL because “I don’t necessarily want to hear the N-word on the instant replay cam as I’m watching the game.”

However, he doesn’t see a problem with using the word in his lyrics because people have the decision on buying his album, or listening to his music : “I’m not offending anyone when I use it amongst people that I’m using it with.”

The host asked why there aren’t openly gay rappers, Pusha T said that in the world of hip-hop: “ I sort of feel like the gay and homosexual culture is just not -- the coming out party is just not that important anymore.”

Pusha T also talked about Kanye West, and said that Kanye is often misunderstood.

“He’s definitely a friend of mine,” stated Pusha T of Kanye West. “He’s very passionate, and sometimes people may mistake that passion for arrogance or being a bit brash.”

Pusha T explained his relationship with Pharrell Williams:

“[Pharrell] is definitely one of the trendsetters, innovators, I think the best producer in music,” said Pusha. “I think he’s just well versed in all facets of music -- musicality, instrumentation, actually a great writer. Knows melody really well. He puts it all together for you and all I have to do is just insert the verse so it makes it easier for me.”

Larry King than asked if producer and song writer, Pharrell was hard on the rapper.

 “Very much so,” he said. “Pharrell is really tough in that he always wants you to try new things and I’m not always open to that.”

Pusha T also explained why the word “crack rap” annoys him and how his music became synonymous with that term — even though he never had a drug problem.

Pusha told Larry that his most embarrassing moment in his career was when he forgot his own lyrics on Good Morning America.

“I hummed it. I hummed the melody,” Pusha T said.

So what’s next for Pusha T? “Music and rap music right now is against lyrics. It’s not about lyrics, it’s more so about melodies. There’s definitely a rebel in me.”

“In ten years, I see myself building my own acts and being a head of a record label. I think hip hop is a growing genre, growing culture. I feel like it’s being embraced by every genre, every culture of people.”