Arrow Season 2 Spoilers: Will Laurel reveal Oliver's identity to Quentin?

By Andrew Meola | May 08, 2014 09:32 AM EDT

One of the more interesting developments in the last few episodes of Season 2 of Arrow was Slade's reveal to Laurel of Oliver's secret identity as the costumed archer. With just one episode left in the season, it remains to be seen what exactly Laurel will do with that knowledge.

The "Ask Ausiello" column at TVLine tackles that question in this week's edition:

Question: Will Arrow's Laurel reveal Oliver's secret to her father before the season is over? -Markus
Ausiello: Whether Laurel plans to go against her father's wishes - remember, Quentin has gone on record as saying he's fine not knowing - will be made clear during Season 2′s final two episodes. 'She definitely wants to tell him,' Katie Cassidy shares. 'But whether she does or not... you'll have to wait and see.'"

In related news, TVLine reports the following about the Season 2 finale:

"Titled 'Unthinkable,' the sizable season ender required Arrow to return to The Watchmen's sprawling cityscape set -- it's that big. 'There may have been a lot of what seemed like detours this season, but it all plays out in the last few episodes,' [Andrew] Kreisberg attests. 'Hopefully, everyone will see the method to our madness and find the finale to be an exciting culmination of the season, as opposed to just a great episode.'"

What do you expect from the Season 2 finale? Will Oliver and his allies emerge victorious, or will Slade have the Green Arrow at his mercy by the time the credits roll? Let us know your thoughts and guesses in the comments below.