'Real Housewives of New York' - Ramona Singer Speaks Out in 'Bravo' Blog About Throwing Wine Glass at Kristen Taekman

By Mitch Thorpe, Mstars News writer | May 14, 2014 02:38 PM EDT

Ramona took to her Bravo Blog after last night's episode to address some of the drama that went down between her and costar Kristen Taekman.

In last week's episode she threw a wine glass at Kristen's face which cut the housewife's lip causing her to bleed. This week the housewives spent the majority of the episode rehashing the incident.

Click her to read a full recap of last week's episode and this weeks episode.

In her blog, Ramona sums the whole incident up to, simply being a knee jerk reaction.

"I must say I was extremely upset when the plastic glass hit Kristen in the mouth. That glass could have been tossed million times and it would not end up in her face. Who knew that would happen?" Ramona is not one to apologize, but we think that here would have been the perfect opportunity for her to do so.

The housewife continues by saying, "I was totally embarrassed and regretful for my actions. When Kristen totally drenched me in water I had a knee jerk reaction, tossing what I had in my hand. My intention was not to hit her or harm [her] in any way." It seems that Ramona once again avoids saying the words "I'm sorry."

The whole trip was pretty much a nightmare for the housewives because of Ramona's "Ramontional" behavior. She even went to the lengths of having someone bring an air conditioner to Heather's home in the Berkshire's, after complaining about the heat. Instead of enduring the heat, Ramona wishes she bailed on the trip altogether... I'm sure the other ladies wish she had too.

"The day we went to Heather's home it was over 100 degrees. I really wanted to cancel the trip due to the weather. My intention was to gift Heather four A/C units for every bedroom. Only one arrived- and even that one did not work."

As for her sudden departure from the Berkshires, she claims that it was due to the bad energy within the group. It couldn't have been so she could make it to the Hampton's for that Molly Sim's party, could it?

"Kristen and I were in an uncomfortable situation. It was giving bad energy to the rest of the group and I thought it was best for me to leave the pond- and perhaps the Berkshires all together."

The housewife continues saying that "I also had my daughter in the Hamptons, events to attend to and a house full of central air conditioning. I did not want to ruin the weekend." Well it's a little too late for that Ramona, because it seems like you already did.