'Star Wars 7' Casting News, Rumors: Hasbro leaks third spinoff movie details - not about Yoda, focussing on X-Wing fighters or Luke Skywalker after 'Episode VII'?

By Jon Niles | May 19, 2014 01:13 PM EDT

As of this week, toy manufacturer Hasbro could have revealed the third spinoff film coming from Disney and Lucasfilm's Star Wars universe. According to German Star Wars news website, Star Wars Union, a recent Hasbro event revealed the working title of the third spinoff movie: red Five. This has led many to believe that X-Wing fighters or possibly even Luke Skywalker could be the subject of this project!

Though this could just be speculation, websites covering this news were asked to take it down. This leads us to believe that some executives were at least worried about the leak, meaning it could be true!

Here is how the Hasbro event broke down the upcoming Star Wars films: 

·  2014: Rebels

·  2015: Episode VII

·  2016: Boba Fett

·  2017: Episode VIII

·  2018: Solo

·  2019: Episode IX

·  2020: Red Five


If you aren't familiar with the term "Red Five," that was Luke's call sign in Star Wars: Episode IV: A New Hope.

Slashfilm reports:

A Red Five movie, released in 2020, is an interesting proposition. There are multiple options here. It could be about a young Luke Skywalker earning his stripes as a Rebel pilot betweenEpisodes IV and V. It could also be about a new fighter pilot who inherits Luke's legendary call sign in another era. Or, the fact it would be released after Episode IX could mean it has a whole new spin entirely. Almost certainly though, it would be a movie about X-Wing fighters going on missions. And that sounds absolutely amazing.

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