Khloe Kardashian Slams 'Fat' Rob Kardashian Twitter Bullies: 'Some Of You People Are Disgusting' [PHOTOS]

By Mereb Gebremariam | May 20, 2014 01:17 PM EDT

Keeping up with the Kardashian reality star, Khloe Kardashian is sticking up for her younger brother, Rob Kardashian from bullies that attacked the 27-year-old over his recent weight gain through social media.

The 29-year-old tweeted, "Some of you people are disgusting for calling others names and picking on them." She tweeted, "You should be ashamed of yourself. Your words are cutting deeper then you know and are possible leaving lifetime scars!"

"What shallow souls some of you are. Its sickening to critique anyone off of their appearance. Grow up!" Khloe wrote.

Rob Kardashian Responds To Fat Jokes And Twitter Haters: 'I Was Trending For Being Fat,' KUWTK Star Depressed? 

MStars News previously reported:

Sunday, the reality star was spotted at LAX looking plumper than usual. Since TMZ released the photo of the only Kardashian male looking much bigger than before, shocked fans made his weight gain a trending topic on twitter.

The reality star has been under the radar -avoiding family trips- since gaining over 50-pounds, the site says Rob has now hired a topnotch trainer to help him lose the extra weight. Although, it may appear the youngest Kardashian sibling may be going through some personal issues, fans slammed the KUWTK star recent weight gain.

Check out his weight gain PHOTOS here