Kevin Smith Talks Batman V. Superman: Dawn of Justice on His Podcast

By Andrew Meola | May 27, 2014 03:18 PM EDT

Kevin Smith is not officially attached to Batman V. Superman: Dawn of Justice, but he has been linked to the project because of his comments on his Hollywood Babble-On podcast. Specifically, he has talked about the Batsuit and Batmobile, but now he has addressed the title and the movie itself.

Firstly, here's what Smith said (via about the recently announced official title for the movie:

"It's a bit of a mouthful. And also, I don't know why Batman V. Superman. Why not just throw the "s" in there? Or spell it or something like that. Or honestly, every comic book fan on the planet, who is a DC comic book fan, I think we all wanted to see Batman/Superman: World's Finest."

He has a point there, as the omission of the "s" is a bit odd. The majority of fans will call it Batman vs. Superman or Dawn of Justice anyway, so why complicate it further? As for the movie overall, here's what Smith had to say:

"But look, they're obviously beginning something, and there's a stretch of these flick, and so this is the beginning of the Justice League, as we all suspected as they were announcing that cast. We were like, 'This is the beginning of a Justice League movie.' From what I understand now, it's no longer like, 'This is Superman 2.' They're not doing these things. They're doing like, 'Here's Man of Steel. Here's Batman/Superman: Dawn of Justice.' The next one is not like a sequel to one of the characters. They're just going to keep building their universe for about five or six movies. But all of's supposed to tell one massive story, which is all Justice League oriented."

Do you agree with Smith's comments? Let us know in the comments below.