Will George R.R. Martin Write 8 'Game Of Thrones' Books In 'Song Of Ice And Fire' Series?

By Jon Niles | Jun 03, 2014 11:29 AM EDT

During a Q&A session this week, book editor Anne Groell was asked about one of her biggest projects, George R.R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire series. While discussing the amount of books to be written in the Game of Thrones literary series, Groell hinted that Martin's seventh book might not be the last!

"Seven is what we currently have under contract," Groell stated. "I remember when he called me, years and years back, to confess that his little trilogy was...well...no longer a trilogy. He predicted four books. I said seven books for Seven Kingdoms. Then he said five books. I said seven books for Seven Kingdoms. Then he went to six. I said... Well, you get it."

She added: "Finally, we were on the same page. Seven books for Seven Kingdoms. Good. Only, as I recently learned while editing THE WORLD OF ICE AND FIRE (another awesome thing you must buy when it comes out!), there are really technically eight kingdoms, all having to do with who has annexed what and when Aegon the Conqueror landed in Westeros."

"If so, maybe eight books for Seven Kingdoms would be okay," the editor hinted. "Also, he has promised me that, when he finally wraps this great beast, I can publish the five page letter outlining the bare bones of the trilogy."

Do you think eight books would work for the series? Let us know what you think of the latest tease from editor Anne Groell in the comments section below!