'Orange Is The New Black' Reviews- What Did The Critics Have To Say About Season Two?

By Mitch Thorpe, Mstars News writer | Jun 08, 2014 12:25 PM EDT

It's finally here, happy Orange is The New Black Weekend!!

Season two of the prison dramedy picks up right where season one left off with Piper Chapman (Taylor Schilling) beating Pennsatucky (Taryn Manning) to a pulp. Much of the first episode of the new season focuses around the aftermath of the fight, and it appears that the rest of the season could be seeing a location change for Miss Piper.

While we haven't left the house all weekend because we have been binge watching the best show on the planet, we wanted to know what others had to say about the return of one of Netflix's biggest hits.

Alan Sepinwall of HitFix, talks mainly about the first episode, saying that the Piper centric opening is a "strong episode." He does, however, let viewers who haven't been lucky enough to marathon the episodes know that the rest of the season wont be the Piper show and it will include flashbacks and backstories of some of the ladies that were left out the first time around including Lorna, Taystee, Crazy Eyes, and Sister Ingalls.

"Where last year was driven largely by Piper's assimilation into the prison culture and her on-again, off-again feelings for both Alex and Larry, here there's a bigger story that ramps up the tension and pace while still allowing for all the character touches Kohan and her team do so well. It's the show it was last year, but in many ways better," Sepinwall states.

The Hollywood Report's Tim Goodman comments that the show is "one of the most vibrant, surprising dramas you'll find anywhere." He goes on to say that the new season "delivers immediately, stays relevant and entertaining, and gives the impression that it has learned a lot of life lessons inside the system."

While these critics stay pretty upbeat about the show, Maureen Ryan of The Huffington Post slams the flashbacks sequences, saying they are "obvious and not especially effective at making the viewers feel more invested in the fate of the characters in questions." While she is somewhat right, we think that Rosa, Mendoza, and Poussey's flashbacks are particular moving, not to mention we finally get to see what all the fuss is about Morello's mysterious Christopher. Ryan does goes on to say that while "a few flashback scenes were a struggle to get through, others gave the show's excellent array of actors much-deserved chances to shine."

That's all the info we are giving you for right now on the new season, so that we can get back to watching it too. We only have two episodes left!!!