Ryan Gosling 'Adopts Baby,' Father's Day HOAX Photo: Facebook Fans Freak Over Adorable Son & Bogus Cancer Adoption

By Danica Bellini, Mstars Associate Editor | Jun 16, 2014 01:17 PM EDT

Right around Father's Day (Sunday, June 15), "Ryan Gosling" posted this intimate "daddy and son" snapshot on Facebook, explaining how he ended up adopting an adorable baby boy:

Ryan Gosling: "This father's day, I've decided to tell the story of how I became a father. This little guy was only 9 months old when I became his dad. His mom and I were great friends before she passed away from cancer. I promised her, I'd always look after him. So, I had decided to step up and become his dad. He brought me so much joy. He was my everything. 1 year later after the adoption, his biological father wanted him. Of course, I put up a fight, but he won. That 1 year of being his father taught me how to love unconditionally. We have to stop and be thankful for our children and children should stop and be thankful for their parents. What I truly learned most of all is, every child needs love. Save thousands of children and meet me while doing it."

Very touching (and rather sad) story - unfortunately, the entire thing is a HOAX!

This viral Facebook account is simply a fan page - it's in NO WAY officially associated with the real Gosling.

Want proof? The Father's Day post also included this link to an "exclusive" Young Wild & Free t-shirt contest where fans could win a "meet-and-greet" with the "Crazy Stupid Love" hottie. As long as you buy a tee.

Very shady - don't fall for it.

Still, several fans totally freaked-out over Gosling allegedly becoming a dad (then losing his little boy). The photo already has close to one million "likes." Thousands of comments insist that this makes the 33-year-old actor "even hotter" now.

Indeed, the pic is uber-sweet, but that's not Gosling's "secret" kid! Just looks like another scam that'll end up hurting loyal fans. Gosling has yet to comment.