‘CONAN’ Comedian Jimmy Pardo Talks Love Of ‘Nashville’, His Last Apology And Telling Off Bill Collectors [INTERVIEW]

By Kyle Dowling k.dowling@musictimes.com | Jun 20, 2014 04:09 PM EDT

In Last Laugh, MStarsNews talks to our favorite comedians or funny people about some of the last experiences they've had over the years in various areas of their lives. To kick off our series, we welcome in comedian Jimmy Pardo for a speed round of Last Laugh.

Known from TBS' CONAN and his award winning podcast Never Not Funny, the Chicago-born comic is often revered in the industry as being one of the fastest minds in comedy as well as a podcast pioneer, having begun Never Not Funny alongside co-host Matt Belknap back in 2006. Since its inception, the podcast has raised over $200,000 for the charity SmileTrain and paved the way for many other comics to start up their own shows. Pardo can also be seen on Nerdist's Write Now and Team Coco's Pardo Patrol.

So, Jimmy Pardo, who/what/where/when was the...

MStarsNews: Last time you wore something you hated?

Jimmy Pardo: I bought a new pair of shoes today. When I got home I absolutely hated them! I will be returning them tomorrow.

MS: Last person to see you naked?

JP: The person in the office building across from my hotel room after I walked out of the bathroom after a shower. It was awkward.

MS: Last day job you had?

JP: I worked for MCA Records as Sales Rep in the 80's and quit in 1989.

MS: Last guilty pleasure you discovered?

JP: The TV show Nashville. I'm addicted to that show.

MS: Last piece of advice another comedian ever gave you?

JP: "You should build on that Kiss Army joke and make it into a bigger bit."

MS: Last thing you regretted?

JP: Trying to build on the Kiss Army joke.

MS: Last time you bombed onstage?

JP: The last one I remember as being HORRIBLE ... Jokers in Dayton, Ohio, 1998.

MS: Last time you lost your cool?

JP: About two months ago. A bill collector was harassing me thinking I was James M. Pardo (I am James R. Pardo). I was out jogging, answered the call and then looked like a crazy person jumping up and down, yelling and swearing into my Bluetooth.

MS: Last piece of advice you gave someone?

JP: "Quit calling me or I will find you and blow your f--king head off!" So, again, about two months ago.

MS: Last time you were the butt of the joke?

JP: Recently, my friend Pat Francis kept slipping water into my iced tea behind my back while we were on stage. Apparently, the crowd seemed to get a kick out of that.

MS: Last time you got into a fight?

JP: Surprisingly, I've actually never been in a fistfight.

MS: Last time you wished you were someone else?

JP: 30 seconds ago.

MS: Last thing you had to apologize for?

JP: I have a habit of being curt in e-mails, so I am always following e-mails up with an apology and expelling what I really meant.

MS: Last time you laughed really hard?

JP: Watching Veep about two hours ago.

MS: Last time you felt uncomfortable?

JP: Honestly? Eight questions ago when I was thinking of bailing on this Q&A by lying and claiming I never received it.

Be sure to check Jimmy out on Twitter, Never Not Funny and CONAN. You can also purchase the comic's newest stand up album, Sprezzatura, at A Special Thing Records.